We can help you save your relationship.
For more than 20 years, we have helped thousands of men and their spouses.
FAQ About Couple’s Memberships by Captives Free:
Men’s groups meet several times a week via Zoom, and you can attend any meeting, any time, as many times a week as you’d like.
Monday: 7:00 to 9:00 pm EST
Monday: 7:00 to 9:00 pm PST
Tuesday: 6:00 to 8:00 pm CST
Thursday: 8:00 to 10:00 pm UK
Saturday: 7:00 to 9:00 am EST
Saturday: 7:00 to 9:00 am CST
Groups are not co-ed
Spouses meet via Zoom several times a week. You are welcome to attend any meeting, any time, as much as you’d like.
Monday: 6:30 - 8 PM EST
Tuesday: 8:00 - 9:30 PM EST
Thursday: 9:00 - 10:30 PM EST
Groups are not co-ed
You are not expected to share at your first meeting, but if you decide to share, the group will be honored and will listen.
Men will join a safe space and community of men who are on the same path of recovery.
Spouses will feel relieved to join a safe space and community of other women who are on the same journey to recovery and understanding.
Yes, confidentiality is expected and non-negotiable. We do not reveal the identity of our group members or any personal information outside the group.
For more than 20 years, we have helped thousands of men and their spouses break free from the pain and humiliation caused by unwanted sexual behavior.
Our Spouse’s and Men’s Workbooks explore the same 7 Principles creating a common recovery experience. This promotes trust and emotional intimacy that helps restore the relationship.
Couple’s Membership Highlights:
The individual support groups are a safe environment to experience healing and the transformation of post-traumatic growth.
You are not alone. Break isolation and surround yourself with others on a similar journey of recovery and to help you be accountable.
Captives Free has more than 20 years of experience using Biblically-based material to guide you and your spouse through your individual recovery process.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes. The Captives Free program uses a unique “core issue” approach to identify and process your life story; that is the wounds in your past that you are trying to medicate with your behavior. These wounds come from your family of origin, from traumatic experiences, and hurtful messages that came from or affected your relationships. Opening up and processing that understanding is the key to making changes in how you respond to these triggers and to avoiding the destructive cycles of behavior. As you grow in this ability to respond in healthier ways, the behaviors and consequences you desire to avoid will become less frequent.
A support group is a gathering of people with shared objectives who hold each other accountable in pursuing and reaching those objectives. The group meets regularly to share their individual progress toward those goals, and to offer mutual support and accountability.
Weekly attendance is strongly encouraged. In fact, there are many who advise daily meetings in the critical early stages of recovery. After all, consistency, discipline, and accountability are key elements in changing how you medicate your core wounds and learning to respond to your triggers in healthy ways.
The Captives Free Men’s Workbook leads you through three levels of examination of seven individual principles, for a total of twenty-one assignments. The concept is to repeat this cycle multiple times, in order to reinforce understanding of those seven principles, and to encourage you to take on broader roles in the program as your recovery progresses. Those roles involve helping others coming along behind you to reach their goals and making lasting recovery available to more and more of God’s people. Refer to the Captives Free Recovery Plan for more information on the expected progression through that journey, with emphasis on the first twelve months.
Captives Free groups are real support groups, not merely study groups, and the “core issue” recovery model focuses on the issues that are driving your behavior, and not just on the behavior itself. Once you can identify those core issues, you are in a much better position to avoid the related triggers and handle them in healthier ways. This program is designed to help you heal from those wounds—to get well and not to just get sober. To experience real transformation.
We have a growing list of online groups that meet using Zoom or similar technologies to bring together members from many locations. Do not let the absence of a local group keep you from joining us. The available technologies make video-based online groups highly effective in providing the mutual support and accountability that are critical to the support group process.
Absolutely. You receive your own copy of the Captives Free Men’s Workbook with your Membership. You will be able to benefit from the assignments meaningfully and participate in group discussions.
The pain of betrayal trauma is real. We have a 20-year track record and have helped thousands of men and their spouses break free from the pain and humiliation.