Couple's Monthly Membership

$35.00 every month

Statistics show couples who work on their individual recovery by each attending their own recovery group have a much higher probability of staying together.  Each has their own traumas that need to be processed.  Sexual addiction is not about sex but is an intimacy disorder.  Men and spouses who apply the Captives Free’s Seven Principles in their lives will find freedom from the captivity of their traumas.  This freedom leads to a more healthy intimate and spiritual relationship. 

  1. Network of Groups with Worldwide Access

  2. One Men's Digital Workbook

  3. One Spouse's Digital Workbook

  4. Join Any Meeting, Any Time

  5. Biblically-based, time-tested tools for post-traumatic growth

  6. Experience God’s transformative power through his Word

  7. Greatest healing when the Workbook is used in a Group

  8. Instant $5 off monthly savings

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