Affirmations for Christians | Volume 2

Affirmations can help shift your mindset from a negative or self-doubting perspective to a more positive and optimistic one. By repeating such positive statements, you can reframe your thoughts and beliefs, which can improve your overall outlook on life. At Captives Free, we believe that regularly and prayerfully practicing Christ-centered affirmations can strengthen your connectedness to the Lord. When you consistently remind yourself of your positive qualities, you begin to believe in yourself more and feel more capable of achieving your goals and dreams.

In Vol. 2, Captives Free is here to remind you that we are all secure in Christ. Please follow along in our affirmation’s journey.

If these affirmations spoke to you, contact the leadership at Captives Free where we offer an abundance of resources just like these to support you along your recovery. At Captives Free, we have helped thousands of men for over 20 years break free from sex addiction. We offer weekly men’s groups, and groups for the spouses of men struggling as well. Meetings are an hour and a half and include lessons from Captives Free workbooks and a chance to connect with other men who are working towards freedom from sex addiction.

We believe that the Body of Christ is composed of all who know Him as Savior and Lord, regardless of denominational heritage or beliefs.


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