Affirmations for Christians | Volume 3

Affirmations can serve as a motivational tool to help you stay focused on your goals. When you repeat affirmations related to your aspirations and ambitions, you reinforce your commitment to achieving them and increase your determination to overcome obstacles. At Captives Free, we believe that regularly and prayerfully practicing affirmations can strengthen your connectedness with the Lord. When you regularly remind yourself of your strengths, you begin to believe in yourself more and feel more capable to achieve your highest potential. 

In Vol. 3, Captives Free is here to remind you that we are all significant in Christ. Please follow along in our affirmation’s journey.

These affirmations are messages from the Lord to strengthen you and to give you peace. Feel free to contact Captives Free where we offer an abundance of resources to support you along your road to recovery. At Captives Free, we have helped thousands of men for over 20 years break free from sex addiction. We offer weekly men’s groups, and groups for the spouses of men struggling as well. Meetings are an hour and a half and include lessons from Captives Free workbooks and a chance to connect with other men who are working towards freedom from sex addiction. 

We believe that the Body of Christ is composed of all who know Him as Savior and Lord, regardless of denominational heritage or beliefs.


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